Monday, May 6, 2013

Sadie is Five

 Here is the birthday girl! Five already - how can that be?
We had waffles for breakfast that morning; I believe I tried a new recipe.
We had our family party that Saturday for lunch. I made "Chick-fil-A" sandwiches complete with homemade buns. We also had fruit salad and waffles fries. Our bonus at this family party was having Sarena and Danny there.
 My baby and me

 Sadie loved getting new cars from her cousins
 And what 5 year old doesn't want a new ball?
 New stamps and ink from A. Sarena
 Sadie's wish list consisted of what she hears her older sisters say - i pad, i pod, camera...thankfully she also had bike on that list. Much more appropriate for a 5 year old.
 She loves her new bike!
 Sadie wanted an Orca cake. Orca - what child asks for that? Only one who remembers how much she loved them at Sea World. 
This is what I came up with, and for me, I was pleased.
 And she was, too. Phew!

 Her cousin wrote her a sweet note on her new Boogie Board.
 Maisie snuggling with U. Derek
 Later in the afternoon Sadie opened more gifts. This is what we got her;  it's hard shopping for the third girl.
 Grandmom and Pops sent some new clothes and Lego sets. All three girls love Lego sets!

 Sadie reached the age for her first friend's party. I kept with tradition and went with the mother/daughter tea party. Needless to say, she was beyond excited. She loved getting the table set for her friends. Analise was a big help getting ready, too. Later that night I wrote her a note in our journal thanking her for her help. She later wrote back and asked me if it was worth all the work getting ready for that party. Why yes it was!
 Sadie chose this scrapbook paper that I used for place mats.

 Cookies and cream cupcakes from scratch topped with homemade frosting. Mmm!
 After her four friends played and had tea, I had someone come in with pottery to paint. I think all the girls enjoyed the painting, and they turned out to be really cute keepsake boxes.

 Thanks to Pinterest, I was able to crank out these place cards rather quickly.
Sadie, it was simply a delight to celebrate you this year. Another year full of God's blessing on your health and development. You have grown a lot this year; you love school and look forward to it each day. You don't get so nervous when I leave you anymore. You keep up with your sisters and have to do whatever they are doing. You have the funniest facial expressions. I love how you help me and others, and I am thankful you love Jesus. I can't wait to celebrate more with you.

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