Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Brandon's Birthday

The third of the "mad-dash" birthday celebrations is Brandon's. His birthday landed on a Weds. this year, so it was tricky celebrating it. After a biscuits and gravy dinner, we all spent his birthday at Awana.
We were able to celebrate with his family the following weekend. 
For his dinner I made a new pork loin recipe that we really liked. I also made homemade baked beans, something else I can't remember and then a chocolate pie.

Maisie chose to snuggle with Aunt Sarah for this party.
 Brandon opening gifts.
 Grandpa gave these two kids back rubs.
 We gave Aaron his gift a week early - duct tape.
 I am so thankful to celebrate this great man!
 Brandon and his best friend who also happens to be his brother.
 The three Luke men

 I arranged some cupcakes on the stand, and then I had the kids arrange them into a message.
 Teamwork to figure it out
 They did it!
 Another birthday with the man we all love.  Someone would say that he's girl trapped. :)

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