Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is always a good reminder to me on much I am blessed by own mother and also my three daughters that call me mom. Even on the days I get tired of hearing that word over and over.
Here we are before church. The sun and shadows made it difficult for getting a decent picture.


After church I chose to eat lunch at Q'Doba. :) We then went to a park for 15 minutes while we waited for a nursery to open. We then went and picked out my veggies for the garden.  I always love this nursery, and I get excited about the things I put in my garden. I was happy.

We came home and relaxed a bit before Brandon took the girls to pick out my flowers for the front part of the house. When he asked what I wanted to mother's day, I told him I wanted an hour to myself. So while he and the girls were gone, I curled up on the bed with the dog and a good book. I then dozed for a bit. When the girls got home they all looked for Caramel and gave her all the attention. I chose not to take it personally. :)

Later in the evening the girls and I went to two graduation open houses while Brandon rota tilled my garden. After the girls were tucked into bed I got my sweet Mom's day card. Here are a couple of things I want to remember from it:
Analise loves me because: (in her words)
1. you care for me
2. you love me
3. you give me the things I want
4. You let me read at night
5. You let me do sports activities
6. You let me snuggle with Caramel
7. You let me watch movies and play the Wii
8. You give me candy

Maisie loves me because:
1. You go fishing with me
2. You give me hugs and kisses
3. You got out for ice cream with me
4. You got out for donuts with me

Sadie loves me because:
1. You give me hugs and kisses
2. You give me band aids
3. You love daddy

It's a good reminder for me on how each child receives and shows love differently. I'm surpised Analise said something about candy and movies, since I feel like I say no all day long.
Thank you Jesus for the role model I had in being a mom. May I always hold these moments close as I know time goes quickly.

Maisie's Graduation

Maisie's preschool graduation was a couple of weeks ago already. She was excited to wear a dress and sing on stage. I was excited for the big day, yet a bit sad at the same time. I can't believe Maisie's two years of preschool are officially over. The time has flown!

Listening to Pastor Kent speak about the Bible.

Aunt Sarah and Grandma came to watch - thank you!

Brandon picked up Analise on his way so she could be there, too. If you look close, you see black marks on Analise's cheeks. She got those at her field day that she missed the ending to so she could be at the graduation.

Maisie with her three wonderful teachers!

I had the idea to get a picture of the moms, since so many of these woman have a special place in my heart. And how often to moms take pictures of themselves?

Maisie, we are proud of you for your love of preschool and how much you have grown in the last couple of years. I will miss it about as much as you do!

Four Year Well Check

At the same time Maisie was having her Kdg check up, Sadie was having her four year well child check. A couple of months late, but I didn't want to go to the clinic in the middle of March.
Sadie did awesome, too, and she was very pleased she didn't need any shots. :)

Sadie's stats:
Weight: 31.6 lbs  - 15%
Height: 41 inches - 75% (sidenote: our tallest girl at this age)
BMI: 13.2 - 1%. That makes me laugh. She is such a tall, skinny girl.

Sadie is double jointed, but since she shows no other symptoms with it, we aren't concerned. Her lungs sounded great, and she got a clean bill of health. I am always so thankful for God allowing us to have this sweet, healthy daughter!

The Big Kdg. Check

I have several posts started and more to write, but I wanted to post this one while it was fresh in my mind.
Maisie had her big kdg. check at the doctor today. She was excited about  it, even though Analise had informed  her more than once that she'd be getting several shots. I told Maisie this morning that if she was brave for her shots, she would be able to go out for lunch with dad. (What I didn't tell her was that if she wasn't brave, she'd still get to go for lunch. :))

Maisie stats: 41.2 lbs - 40%
45 1/2 inches -  70%
BMI 14 - 15% (I think this was the first time this has been included)
Her eyesight is 20/20. However, she was below level in some of the hearing test, so we are to contact an audiologist to have her hearing screened again.
And for the shots - she got three and one blood draw, and she didn't cry at all! Dad held her arms, and I talked with her, and she barely flinched. I'd say she earned her lunch all right. Great job Maisie!
She chose to eat at Little Caesar's. For some reason the girls think it's a big deal to eat inside there since 99% of the time we go through the drive though.

Here is Maisie with her lunch date and with all of her goodies she earned from the doctor

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Walk in the Park

A Couple of Saturdays ago Brandon went turkey hunting with his dad and uncle. By the afternoon, the girls and I needed out of the house. I took them to a park that we go to every fall for pictures. We never seem to go in the spring to just walk around. The girls had a great time exploring and running around. And Caramel loved it, too.
I snagged my camera on the way the door knowing the background would be good. (And the daughters not too bad either, despite being in normal clothes. :))

Trying to get all 4 to look at me... 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Blessed by a Godly Woman

A couple of weeks ago I got the call early in the morning. I saw my dad's number, and I knew why he was calling; I had been expecting it. He was calling to let me know that my dear grandmother had passed away in her sleep. I was heartbroken, and I also knew she was ready. She had lived a good life, and she was ready to see her husband and son. I was thrilled for her, but my heart was still sad.
Then came the "how, when and who is going" to the funeral. What a day of searching for flights, talking with my family trying to figure out details and just plain wishing I didn't live 13 hours away.
Finally after prayer and talking with Brandon, a decision was made at 10 pm. My dear husband realizing that flights were expensive, I didn't want to drive by myself, and knowing I would want him there, offered to come with me. What a good man.
I called grandma here in town to see if Analise and Maisie could stay there. They were planning on camping that weekend, and the girls had fun things planned for school, so I didn't want to pull them from school. Sadie on the other hand...I wanted her to come with me. We try and do things as a family whenever we can, but I felt like this was the right decision for this time.
We left Saturday around 2:30 and drove 7 hours. We finished the drive on Sat. and got to MI at 3:30 knowing the viewing was at 5:00. My dad greeted us with hugs and informed us that viewing was open for family at 4:00. We quickly changed and headed for the funeral home.
Here's Sadie reald for the viewing.  I thought she looked adorable .:)

Sadie was so excited to see Grandmom, Pops and A. Peg!

As soon as we walked into the viewing room, we were welcomed by family...some family I haven't seen since my wedding. Thankfully my one cousin that really knew Brandon kept him entertained.  I was able to go see Grandma in the casket; she looked beautiful. And then for over an hour I was able to visit with my family.

Grandma had four ladies named after her. Here they are - including my own Sadie.

Never mind the annoying flash - do we look alike?

After visiting and reminiscing, the three of us and Peg left. We went and ate at Outback and then hit Barnes and Noble. And then  it was the moment Sadie had been waiting for - the swimming pool!

She and Brandon had the pool to themselves. I kept a chair warm with Peg.

The next morning was the funeral. The tears came then. It all started when I saw my dad take my mom up to the casket for his final goodbye. It will forever be etched in my mind. I was asked to read some Scripture in the service, but since I was a wreck, my strong sister read my portion, too.
It was a sweet ceremony remembering the hope we have in Christ, the godly woman she was, and a celebration of her life. At the end my 18 year old cousin got up to speak because he felt like the Lord was telling him to. And there was my cousin, whose dad died when he was 11, saying, "God is good." It was worth the trip just for that.
My entire family was there. If I hadn't gone then I would have been the only grandchild not there. SO glad we drove 6 hours, 4 days so I could be there.  24 hours on the road; 24 hours in MI. Three hotels. Worth it all.

 My partial and sweet family
After lunch at the funeral home, we went to be with family for the burial. Of course it was cold and rainy. This, too, was a sweet time. We sang a couple of songs Grandma wanted us to sing, and I was able to get the words out for most of them.

I thought my dad looked cute.

Sadie took a flower off the casket, and she watered it.
Our little traveler did awesome! After traveling for so many years with multiple children, it sure was a breeze having one 4 year old! And I think she liked being an only child for awhile. However, I know she missed her sisters. They called Monday afternoon, and when Sadie was talking with Maisie, she said, "Maisie, I so missing you."
 Before we finished our final leg, we spent some time at Brandon's favorite store. Sadie loved the fish in the huge fish tank.

A shout out to Grandma for taking care of the girls, for my friend, L, for helping Analise at CMA, and for my friend G, who mothered Maisie on her final field trip. And dad - thanks again for the gas money.
I am so thankful to have a wonderful book about my grandmother so I can pass the legacy on to my children. She left quite an example! As my dad told Grandma the last time he saw her, "I'll see you soon." And until then Grandma, I will "Keep Looking Up." (Something she signed all my letters with since I was young.)

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Pictures that make me smile:

Sadie got herself dressed; never mind it was going to be hot that day.

A bit later, she must have gotten warm.

Feed My Starving Children

Our church participated in a really neat event a couple of weeks ago. We came alongside a Christian ministry called Feed My Starving Children. They provide meals to starving children and their families. Our goal as a church was to raise $25k and pack enough meals to feed 100 children and their families for a year. I was so excited to help, and I just as excited to have the girls help, too.
Before that day though,  the girls had collected quarters to help buy meals. Each meal is less than 25 cents! The girls were given quarters for good behavior or helping around the house. They loved earning a quarter, and the amazing thing was that they never asked to keep any for themselves!

We met Grandma  at the church since Brandon was going to be late. We all had to wear hair nets.


There were several pods in the room where about 15 people helped pack meals for almost two hours. Analise helped hold the bags, spoon in rice, and she was a great help!
 While I scooped about 400 cups of rice, Sadie helped Grandma. She was amazing! She is my daughter who shows, "acts of service", and she took this very seriously. She worked hard the entire time and loved it. Now if you look closely at the picture, you will see Maisie in the pink shorts. She is in the back, dancing with a good friend. That pretty much sums up Maisie's help. :)

Brandon arrived later and was able to help, too. At the end of our two hours, this was what we accomplished. It's amazing what can be done in God's came when we come together. Our meals are now feeding children in Haiti. And not only are those kids being physically fed, they are also being spiritually nourished, too.
I can't wait to do it again!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Twice the Fun

We've been blessed to have two special college girls in our lives the last three years. It started with Tabitha coming over once a week while I went to help in Analise's kdg class. Shortly after that we got to know her twin, Tessa. What started with babysitting lead to almost weekly Bible studies with these girls. (Along with others) And now they have graduated. The girls are going to miss them, and so am I. I loved having "adopted" grown girls in my life. They made me feel young and old all at the same time. They gave me hope that young Christian ladies can be raised in today's society. And they brought me lots of laughter. I loved cooking and baking for them. I loved how they loved the girls, and my girls loved being with them.
We had them (and Tab's fiance) over for one last dinner before graduation.
I am so thankful for the blessing they were in our lives during this season of life. 

Girls and Their Dog

Sadie and Caramel are all ready to get in the van to take Analise to school.

Maisie joined Caramel on the kitchen floor for some snuggle time.

Most nights Caramel joins Analise when she goes to bed. This night Caramel hopped right in and settled face to face with Analise. I'm not sure who loves bedtime more - Analise or Caramel.

Ballet Emmanuel

Our church had the opportunity for a ministry called Ballet Emmanuel to come teach ballet to our kids. Besides dancing around the house, my girls have never done anything "formal" with dance or ballet. However, when I knew this ministry was coming to teach the girls not only ballet, but how to worship the Lord, it seemed like a great opportunity. I knew Maisie would love it; I figured Sadie would, too. I just wasn't sure about Analise. It turned out that all three were excited to go.
I dropped of Maisie and Sadie on Friday evening from 5-7:15. Brandon, Analise and I went out to eat at Old Chicago while they were there. I don't remember the last time just the three of us went out to eat.
Saturday was Analise's turn. She was there from 12:30 until the show at 7:00. Brandon and I went up to help with dinner (feeding pizza to all 60 girls age 4 and up) and getting them ready in their costumes. Brandon was such a trooper in helping. I'm sure it wasn't a dream night helping girls get ready for a ballet. :)
I have to say, this performance was SO cute and God honoring. The four dancers in this ministry were so sweet, kind and taught the girls a lot in a little bit of time. The dancers told the story of Noah through dance and Christian songs. The girls were divided into age groups, and each group performed in one song. Maisie and Sadie were animals for the song about Noah's ark.
Here is my elephant:
 And my fierce looking lion. :)
Unfortunately, I don't have good pictures, but I do have video of these sweet, sweet performances. Maisie was so fun to watch; she enjoyed it so much. Sadie was just as cute to watch as she followed the instructor and did everything she knew she needed to do.

 Analise's age group didn't have an instructor on stage; they did it from memory. Analise was on the side of the stage, but she had the entire routine memorized. I could tell she was having fun!

I am so glad we had this opportunity, and if you want more information on Ballet Emmanuel, let me know. I highly recommend it!