Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is always a good reminder to me on much I am blessed by own mother and also my three daughters that call me mom. Even on the days I get tired of hearing that word over and over.
Here we are before church. The sun and shadows made it difficult for getting a decent picture.


After church I chose to eat lunch at Q'Doba. :) We then went to a park for 15 minutes while we waited for a nursery to open. We then went and picked out my veggies for the garden.  I always love this nursery, and I get excited about the things I put in my garden. I was happy.

We came home and relaxed a bit before Brandon took the girls to pick out my flowers for the front part of the house. When he asked what I wanted to mother's day, I told him I wanted an hour to myself. So while he and the girls were gone, I curled up on the bed with the dog and a good book. I then dozed for a bit. When the girls got home they all looked for Caramel and gave her all the attention. I chose not to take it personally. :)

Later in the evening the girls and I went to two graduation open houses while Brandon rota tilled my garden. After the girls were tucked into bed I got my sweet Mom's day card. Here are a couple of things I want to remember from it:
Analise loves me because: (in her words)
1. you care for me
2. you love me
3. you give me the things I want
4. You let me read at night
5. You let me do sports activities
6. You let me snuggle with Caramel
7. You let me watch movies and play the Wii
8. You give me candy

Maisie loves me because:
1. You go fishing with me
2. You give me hugs and kisses
3. You got out for ice cream with me
4. You got out for donuts with me

Sadie loves me because:
1. You give me hugs and kisses
2. You give me band aids
3. You love daddy

It's a good reminder for me on how each child receives and shows love differently. I'm surpised Analise said something about candy and movies, since I feel like I say no all day long.
Thank you Jesus for the role model I had in being a mom. May I always hold these moments close as I know time goes quickly.

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