Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy Father's Day

We were so glad Brandon was home all day for Father's Day. We went to church, where he sat by himself because I was helping in Sadie's Sunday school class. Since I wasn't planning on him being home until later, I didn't have much planned for the day. He took a nap and did some things outside.

Daddy and Daughters before Church
 The girls each picked out one thing from the store to give him. Analise came up with her own idea, and I helped the other two. Sadie gave him animal crackers.
 Maisie's gift
 And Analise bought him pickles instead of hiding some on his toast. :)
 For supper he grilled chicken for fajitas. It's one of his favorite meals. I also made some fruit dip to die for and bought him some raspberry lemonade. After supper we went to the track for bike rides/walks and playing with Frisbees. It was a great night!
And here are his sweet daughters:

At lunch, I asked the girls questions about their dad. Here is what we learned...

What is daddy's favorite food?
Maisie - pizza
Sadie - pizza
Analise - burgers

What is something daddy taught you?
Maisie - how to tickle
Analise - how to doggy paddle
Sadie - how to fish

What does daddy do to relax?
Maisie - sleep
Analise - take a nap
Sadie - eat pickles (hah!)

What is daddy's favorite hobby?
Maisie - be goofy or watch movies
Analise - tickle us, play the Wii, or ride bikes at the track
Sadie - go fishing in the boat

What does daddy do around the house to help?
Maisie - make a cake (hah!)
mow the yard
Analise - do the dishes and fixes things
Sadie - helps her swing

What is your favorite thing to do with daddy?
Maisie - smell flowers and tickle
Analise - tickle, swim, bike rides
Sadie - play doh

(So I admit, Maisie's answers cracked us up!)

1 comment:

Reba said...

I love all of the answers. Have to ask...what is his favorite food? I love the pictures. All great. Looks like a good Daddy day!