Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 4: 4 Generations

Tuesday was a special day. It started off with Brandon and I going to Meijer quick, by ourselves. We got home and a few minutes later, my Grandma, Aunt M.C., cousin, J, and a second cousin, J, came to visit. I hadn't seen my Grandma for a year a a half. I am so thankful they made the 3 hour trip to hang out. My Aunt M. had made a printed scrapbook about my Grandma for her 87th birthday. I absolutely LOVED looking at it! I am hoping to get my own copy for Christmas. Hint, hint, mom. :)
We enjoyed delicious salads for lunch. After that, two girls napped, Brandon worked, and I enjoyed the time of conversation with family I rarely get to see.
The girls and I with Grandma May, whom Sadie is named after

4 Generations! Doesn't my dad look good with all those women?

After they had to leave, we loaded the van and drove 15 minutes to enter Amish country. We went to a local Amish produce store to get fresh corn and other things. I always enjoy coming out here. The simplicity is almost enchanting. After we were finished shopping, we walked around to the back to see the big work horses. And BIG they are.

After a good summer meal, the girls played in the jet tub. More to come on that later. Brandon and I again went for a late evening walk after the girls were in bed. This trip is going too quickly...

1 comment:

Reba said...

Love all of the pictures. Looks like you had an amazing time. I really need to get my kids into Amish country!