The week flew by, and this was our last day of having fun. Mom, Analise, Maisie and I went to pick blueberries. Unfortunately for us, the season was early this year, so we missed it. We went back to the field and tried, but all we found were tiny berries. At least we tried, and the girls had fun.
One of the girls' favorite things to play while there is body art crayons. One time this week all three girls were drawing on my feet and legs. I let them because it felt good. On Friday, Analise drew a big heart on Sadie's face. Later, Brandon wrote on her forehead a common phrase we hear from Sadie: "Where did mommy go?" Now when we ask her that question, she'll answer with, "I don't know."
To wrap up the fun day, we let Maisie open her birthday gifts from Grandmom and Pops. Needless to say, she was trilled. She loved them all. THANK YOU!
I was so sad going to bed that night, knowing I would be leaving in the morning. I know going into a vacation that the time goes fast. This week seemed to go exceptionally fast. I felt like I blinked, and it was over. I guess time really does fly when you are having fun.
Saturday morning we left close to our goal of 9:00. Things went well until we hit the big was one frustration after another, and we lost a couple of hours. Once on the other side I drove for awhile, and then we stopped for a quick dinner and kept moving. We got home at 11:00, but it felt like midnight on our biological watches. All I can say is that I am thankful for daughters who travel well, a DVD player and an Ipod. There were a few times we would take song requests, crank the music and dance in our seats. It was good for all of us. Something else we enjoyed doing along the trip was Mad Libs. That would get the girls laughing, and we'd all be in better moods after those. Thank you, Lord, for a wonderful time away with family and friends. I'd do it all over again if I could.
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