Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 2: Jet Ski and More

Sunday morning we went to church with my parents. I took Sadie and Maisie to their class, and I was so excited to see that a childhood friend was the teacher that day. Not only was it great chatting with her for a short time, but I felt better knowing someone I knew was taking care of my girls. After church I was able to visit with several people. I always enjoy that time, and Brandon is always good about giving me that time and not rushing me out of there.
We went home, ate lunch and packed for the lake. We headed 40 minutes north to the home of some dear friends (like an aunt and uncle to me). They live right on the lake, and I have great memories of going there as a kid. Their son and family were also there, so we enjoyed the time together. Analise couldn't wait! She remembered the jet ski ride from last year and wanted to go again. Brandon and C spent a lot of time on the jet ski, and Analise got plenty of time as well. My mom stayed back at the cabin so Sadie could nap, so the girls and I went on a pontoon ride. I enjoyed that time of chatting to G.
After we got back, Maisie played in the water. She couldn't believe her feet could touch the bottom of the lake. G played with in the water, and Maisie loved it all.
We came home for a good dinner, gave the girls showered and relaxed. Thank you Lord for a good day with perfect weather to be at the lake!

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