Monday, August 2, 2010

Before Vacation

So I write this post for my own memory's sake, but I have a hunch many other moms will relate. And as I write this, I mean no harm to my husband or any man for that manner.
So we plan our vacation, and this is what it normally looks like:
*cuts his hair
*cleans the inside of the van until it looks brand new
*washes the van
*packs for himself
*completely loads the van
(and I appreciate it all)

What Pam does before a trip:
*plans the snacks for the car ride and buys accordingly
*purchases "special" things to do in the van. This trip was a new movie, a Mad Lib book, and new crayons/coloring books.
*pays all the bills
*cancels mail and paper
*makes sure all prescriptions are filled
*mows the yard (unless the hubs does it)
*laundry, laundry, laundry
*lays out outfits for three girls and then pack them accordingly (can't forget matching shoes)
*makes sure we pack all toiletries, medicines, and any extra thing "we just might need"
*pack for myself late in the night
*pack the cooler
*download news songs for the Ipod
*download podcasts for Ipod
*fill the van with gas
*line up someone to take care of the frogs (Brandon helped with that this time)
*line up someone to water the garden
*pick up all toys, both inside and out
*clean sheets and towels
*clean bathrooms
*pack the travel bags for each of the girls
*make hotel reservations
*have to remember diapers and wipes!
*make sure each daughter has their special blanket and animal

I am sure I am forgetting some things...just like I forgot white socks and a razor for myself. Mom is still to the rescue. :)
I'd love to know what else you do before a trip!


Reba said...

I giggled reading this. It is SO true. And like you, I am in no way putting down my husband. He is a wonderful husband/daddy and does SO much (a lot more than most). But I have noticed that around holidays and birthdays, before trips, and often at night, one of us is crawling into bed while the other of us is up still crossing things off the list. :) Where are you headed for vacation???

Amy S. said...

I got a good laugh out of this post! Especially since I am planning a trip this weekend to KC to see Brett. I know I will be doing everything on the list by myself! I've found that having a dog comes with challenges when I want to leave town on short notice!