Monday, August 23, 2010

And she's off!

Analise was really excited to start school after she had been to her open house. I was really excited about her teacher. There were four teachers that she could have had. I prayed in faith that the Lord would give Analise just who she needed. And then I would pray, "But Lord my mother's heart says I would like..." Finally the postcard came in the mail with the announcement. It was the one my mother's heart wanted! I got tears in my eyes; tears of gratitude.
Monday morning Analise was up before her alarm went off; I wasn't too surprised. She got herself all ready, tied her own shoes (yeah!) and was super excited. About 10 minutes before we would have left, one of the teachers from her school (who lives across the street) came over to let me know she'd locked her keys and everything in the car. She made a couple of calls, and then we took her to school. The Lord knew Analise needed to be up early and ready so we could help out this way. Analise enjoyed the perk of going in the teacher's door. It was kind of anti climatic for me. We left in a hurry and didn't do the official drop off. But that's okay. I knew she was ready to go back. I was ready for a schedule again. And taking her to 1st grade was SO much easier than taking her to kindergarten!
After a great first day, Analise got sick with the same thing Sadie had. So, she had to miss day 2 and 3 of school. Such a bummer!

Analise, I am excited for you and another year of learning. You've enjoyed the first week, and I know you are trying your hardest. We talked about giving God glory and honor with our best efforts. He has given you gifts; how you use those gifts is your gift back to Him. I pray you make good, Godly decisions; that you are a lady of character (sometimes choosing the hard right over the easier wrong); that you continue to encourage those around you, and that you know you can talk to me about anything. The first note from your teacher said, "Analise is a great role model." Way to shine your light for Jesus, Analise! I'll always love you babe!

1 comment:

Sara Campbell said...

Pam, she looks so much like you did at her age! We are starting tomorrow. Mine are in 6th, 4th, 3rd, and K5...but I still cry the first day!