Friday, January 6, 2012

Weds in Berkeley

We slept in a little bit on Weds. morning and then had some time before Brandon reported to work. We ate breakfast at the hotel, and then we headed out. We stayed in Berkeley, right on the marina and bay. We first drove along the bay and saw some pretty sights. Again, it was a little foggy...or smoggy. Not sure which.

We have a quirky thing for seagulls...

  From the bay I asked him to drive up in Berkely to see the campus. It was a nice, hilly drive. We found a road on the map we thought it would be fun, and it was great! There were many signs along the road that indicated what was ahead. (Sorry it's blurry)
 Our twisty, narrow road didn't let us down. Towards the top we found a great viewing area.
 Looking up from our viewing spot...
 Looking down...we could see further than the pictures let on.

 We came back to the hotel around 11:30 for him to head to work. I hung out in the hotel room, relaxing. I read my first book on my Nook and fell in love with it.
Here was my view from my room as the sun went down. It was beautiful!

 Brandon and his boss got back to the hotel around 7:45, and we went to dinner at H's Lordship. I had some yummy salmon and a great view of the skyline. Here is an attempt of a picture of the skyline.

1 comment:

Reba said...

Beautiful! What awesome views you had!