Thursday, January 19, 2012

Daughter of the King

While I go to Bible study each week, Sadie is in a class for her age - Bible Club. And I have always loved and appreciated the teachers in those classes and what they do with the kids. This fall Sadie came home with these hearts. They are to remind her of the gospel story:
Gold - streets of gold in heaven
Black - for our sin
Red - the blood of Jesus
White - Jesus making our sins white as snow
Green - growing in Christ

Sadie has treasured these hearts, and we talk about them frequently. Even during our pastor's sermon over Christmas, he mentioned our sins being washed white as snow, and Sadie looked at me and said, "Like my hearts!" She was listening and made the connection.

This past week I got together with friends to pray for our children and schools. We usually pray for our kid's salvation, but I specifically prayed for Sadie. Sunday night at small group, Brandon prayed for our kid's salvation.

Monday night I am tucking the girls into bed, when Maisie asks me if everyone dies. We've had this discussion before, and it usually makes everyone sad. So I wasn't surprised when Sadie got the "I'm sad and don't ever want to be away from mommy" look. So I again talked about heaven and how great it will be, and that we shouldn't fear death if we have Jesus in our hearts. I felt prompted to ask Sadie if she wanted Jesus in her heart. When I have asked her in the past, she has always said no. I think she was afraid that if she did ask Him into her heart she was going to die right then.
I explained to her again that was not going to  happen. I asked her then, "Do you want to ask Jesus into your heart?" And she said yes!
I asked her questions about why we needed Jesus and why he died on the cross. We even used her precious hearts to help explain again. Once I felt comfortable that she understood, we prayed together! And the angels rejoiced in heaven!

Now time for my confession. With the other two girls I had no doubt they knew what they were doing. For some reason I wasn't so convinced this time, and I really wished Brandon had been around to confirm this for me. The next morning I asked the Lord for a confirmation, and I believe He gave me a couple. I asked Sadie if she remembered what she had done with Jesus the night before, and she did. And the second confirmation - the snow on the ground. When I pointed it out to her, she went and got her hearts to show me the white heart. Jesus had made her sins white as snow.
Oh me of little faith. 


Darcy Clawson said...

How awesome!!!

Unknown said...

This makes me so happy!!!!!

WifeandMom said...

Now she's a princess in the best way! Uncle D and I will give her a big hug next time we see her!