Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Much to Say

Goodness! It's been so long since I have blogged that I didn't type in the right password. :) I have been posting in my head about our vacation, and I hope to get it written this afternoon. Analise is away playing with her cousins. If the other girls cooperate and sleep well, I just might get it done.
Our vacation to Indiana (my first home) got bumped back a week, and for awhile we were in a holding pattern of when we were going to leave. Thankfully my parents were very flexible. Brandon had some training at work that he could not miss, and then he was needed there some the week after to make sure things were going well enough for him to leave. Thus, we left later. However, the good news was that we got more time. Looking back, I am so thankful for those extra couple of days.
Anyone who has packed for a long trip and has to pack for herself and three young children know what it's like....hard! I feel like I packed for 2 days straight. With that I include the last minute errands, making sure bills are paid, etc. One morning I had all these "in and out errands" that are anything but in and out with three small kids. I decided to call a 14 year old and asked her to ride along with me. She was willing, and it saved me a lot of time! She hung out in the van with the girls while I zipped in and out of places. So nice! I also got help with my mom in law. She let the girls sleep there one afternoon so I could have a couple of hours by myself with access to all the house. What a blessing! One of the things the girls and I did to help Brandon was take it through a car wash. He likes a clean car when we leave.
Brandon got home from work a little after 5:00, we ate dinner quick while he loaded the van (which we are so thankful for the hitch and travel bag!) and we were on the road by 6:30. Of course, it was sprinkling when we left...clean van didn't last long! I had the girls in their jammies already. We made a quick stop two hours away for bathroom and gas (that sounds kind of funny together. Makes me think of my favorite billboard in IN: Stop. Eat. Get Gas.) We then drove in more peace and quiet until we got to our hotel at 11:40. And that reminds me, God blessed me with that hotel. The lady I talked with there came down over $20 on their lowest price so we could stay there. Yeah! We arrived and unloaded as quickly as we could. We've gotten wiser in our packing over the years. The girls all awoke and were wild and crazy until we tucked them in at midnight. Brandon and I crashed about the same time. Vacation had begun.

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