Sunday, April 27, 2008

6 weeks

Sorry it's been so long since I have posted an update. I saw Sadie last Monday and enjoyed my time with her. I had to go her direction anyway to have my stents removed. Though the process was not any fun, I feel SO much better! Praise the Lord! I have more energy, don't take pain meds anymore, and I am able to help around the house. I feel like a wife and mom again.
Brandon and I went to see Sadie again this weekend. Friday night was great; I was able to nurse her. She did awesome! Saturday I was hoping to nurse her again, but she was way too sleepy. We snuggled while she was fed via her feeding tube. That 40 minutes went way too fast. I wasn't ready to give her up when it was time. Thankfully Brandon realized that, so we stayed longer. At her next feeding, I was able to give her a bottle. She drank the majority of it, and she was wide awake. Our time together was as sweet as always. I like to pray beforehand that our time together would be a blessed time. The nurses are good about allowing us to be involved as much as we can...taking her temp, changing her diapers, holding her, etc.
Sadie is now in a crib! As one nurse said, she is out of her little house. :) She weighs 4 lb. 10 oz. She's one of the bigger kids on the block. We we able to visit with one of the doctors this weekend. He has good things to say about Sadie; we just need her to be taking all her feedings by bottle before she can come home. He thinks it will be another 3-4 weeks. Her lungs are considered small, or undeveloped. He said she will outgrow this, but it will take time. We don't know how long. They looked at her heart this past week to see if it was under any stress from possibly having to work harder because of the smaller lungs. Thankfully, her heart looks good. We have so much to be thankful for...a healthy heart, eyes that are already maturing, a skull that is coming together nicely, and the list goes on. Though it seems kind of overwhelming to think she will come home with oxygen and a monitor, we know that God will see us through this time as well. He won't ever leave us! We continue to covet and appreciate your prayers for Sadie. We know God could heal her lungs at any time. May you, too, rest in his care.


WifeandMom said...

I just love to see pictures of little Sadie! Can't wait to have her at home. You are doing great with all of this Pam. She'll be home before you know it!
Sarah :)

Nancy H. said...

Hi Pam -

Sadie looks wonderful! Glad to hear you are feeling better. I gave my two week notice at work. It's bittersweet, I am looking forward to being home with Benjamin and #2 but will miss working with the little ones like Sadie! We are continuing to pray for you!!!

Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Sadie looks great! I can't wait for the day when you post that Sadie is coming home. :) Thinking of you always and praying for you too.


Anonymous said...

Pam, Sadie is so beautiful!! Will you give her a little squeeze for me next weekend?! You continue to be in my prayers.

Love you, Karla H.

Reba said...

What a precious face. I just want to sweep her up in my arms! I know you are ready for her to be home so you can just love on her all of the time! It sounds like she is doing well. I am also glad to hear that YOU are doing well! Lots of love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hi Pam - What a beautiful baby girl and big bright eyes...truly a work of God! I have been thinking and praying about you and your family and have been thoroughly enjoying reading your blog. Glad to hear you are starting to feel back to normal again.

Prayers from Missouri!
Erin Madden

Anonymous said...

Pretty little good to see her 6 week picture. Your time with her must be very precious...
so glad to see you looking healthy, Pam.....Love to you,
Jean H :)

Anonymous said...

Sadie is really beautiful. Of course, she had some great genes to work with!

One thing that continues to amaze me as I read your are nursing! I would have thought that was impossible, but it's testimony to your complete committment to mothering your children. I love hearing about how all is progressing and continue to pray for Sadie and the rest of the family.
Love, Jean Kolbo