Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Midweek Update

Thanks for praying for Sadie's transfusion! The first one went well. She received 26 cc over a four hour time period. She got another transfusion yesterday. I think it is common to get them two days in a row. We are praying that her bone marrow will learn to make her own red blood cells soon.
I was able to see her yesterday and snuggle for almost two hours. The nurse said she was already a little more fiesty yesterday. She was crying at 8:30 so the nurse gave her a bottle. She drank the whole thing in 10 minutes. Also yesterday, Sadie had her first eye exam. Though she wasn't a big fan of it, the doctor seemed pleased with what he saw. Her eyes are already showing signs of maturing. (They were checking her retinas.) She will have another exam in 3 weeks.
The nurse also thought I could try nursing Sadie the next time I see her. I don't have high expectaions, but I am excited to try. It's my heart's desire to have a great nursing relationship with her like I did the other girls.
Thanks again for your prayers and words of encouragement!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us updated. I think it's great to have specific things to pray for concerning Sadie. I love the last picture of you holding her...just BEAUTIFUL! I know our God will continue to bless this little miracle in BIG ways!
Love and Blessings,
Sara N.