Sunday, April 6, 2008

Special Times

We had another special time with Sadie this weekend. We arrived Friday evening for her 8:00 feeding. She had been started on some bottle feeding a couple of days ago, so I was able to give her a bottle. For only being 33 weeks gestation, she is doing well of sucking and swallowing. She doesn't drink her entire feeding; she gets too tired. They continue to do rest of the feeding through her feeding tube. Once she is on bottle feedings at all 8 feedings, we will then introduce nursing. We were also involved in changing her diaper and taking her temp.
Saturday morning we had the opportunity to watch her take a bath. However, I was the selfish mom (with complete support from Brandon) and chose to kangaroo care her instead. That is what I miss the most...not being able to snuggle with her everyday like I could with the other girls. I want to make the most of that opportunity when I am with her. So, we snuggled skin to skin for an hour and a half. She was awake when we started and then fell asleep. What I have learned with her is that if she gets restless and we see her heart rate increasing, all I have to do is either sing to her or read scripture to her, and she calms down and her heart rate slows. I love that about God's word! It can calm even the youngest soul.
Sadie weighs about 3 lbs. 7 oz. I suppose she looks bigger, but she is still so tiny! We continue to pray for her to gain weight and get where she doesn't need the oxygen assistance. We are SO thankful that she is doing as well as she is.


Dillan Family said...

I love the pictures of little Sadie, especially the one of you & her, Pam. I am so thankful of her progress. It was great to see you Tuesday. terri

Anonymous said...

Pam, Thanks for continuing to leave updates on your blog. I check it often and continue to pray for you and Sadie. I love you! Karla

Reba said...

Yeah! Pictures! She is growing, though she is still so tiny. I think she and Gracelyn could have all kinds of fun together. :) I am glad you were able to just hold her. How neat that the word of God already settles her spirit. And even neater that her mom knows that. :)