Monday, April 7, 2008

Quick Update

Me again asking for prayer. :) First, I have a bladder infection, so please pray the antibiotics work so I can feel better. It's no fun feeling crummy!
Also, Sadie is now on a couple of meds. One is to help her lose fluid, since she has been retaining it. Her lungs are kind of "wet." If she gets rid of some of the extra fluid, then her tummy will be smaller and not press up against her lungs...thus requiring less oxygen needed in breathing. I guess this is common in preemies, but I would still appreciate prayers that her body would grow and begin to function as God created it to on its own. Thanks!
I am off to see if Kansas is winning...I have them as the winners in my bracket! :)


Anonymous said...

Pam and Brandon,

I just was checking up on Sadie and Pam's progress before heading to bed. I will go to the Lord with your requests for Sadie. And Pam, congrats on your pick of Kansas! Just saw the big win! You know your stuff, girl.

Jean K.

Reba said...

I will be praying!

Nancy H. said...

Hi Pam -
Just wanted you to know that we are thinking and praying for you and Sadie.

Love, Nancy

In the midst of moving Jason found a Cedarville scrapbook I had put together with lots of crazy pictures, it was fun reminiscing with him and seeing how much each of our lives have changed since those years. We have certainly been blessed with great friendships.