Sunday, April 20, 2008

5 weeks old

Time is moving along. I am hoping we are about half way done with life in the NICU. The nurses expect her to be there a few more weeks. She is growing; she now weighs 4-1 pounds. She doesn't feel much heavier when I hold her. :)
We had a good weekend with her. Brandon was able to snuggle with her some on Friday night. Saturday morning I got quite a bit of time with her, and Brandon got to hold her again. The nurse wasn't sure we should try nursing because Sadie was kind of "dingy"...meaning she kept setting of her oxygen alarm with numbers too low. However, the nurse asked the doctor, and she said we could snuggle and see what Sadie did. I was up for that! Now, I don't want to get too personal, but I also want to give glory where glory is our Heavenly Father! Sadie latched on right away and was actually sucking and swallowing! It was a wonderful thing! PTL!
Sadie has never been a real "sick" baby in the NICU, but her lungs are still a little behind in development. This is pretty much par for the course of living in her parched womb for 9 weeks. The doctors are pretty sure when she comes home, she will be on oxygen. We are so thankful she is doing as well as she is, and we will bring her home however was can. But we also know and serve a God who made her lungs and can heal them at any time. Would you join us in praying for her lungs to develop where she doesn't need the oxygen? We know our God still does miracles! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

OH PTL! Oh wonderful, I loved nursing and am so glad it looks to be working out for Miss Sadie! What an awesome God:)
Sara N.

Reba said...

What a wonderful time you had! I am so glad Miss Sadie decided to nurse...that is a huge step for her. I hope that her time at the hospital is winding down so she can be home with all of you. It must be so tiring splitting your time between two homes right now. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello...I saw Karla at the park the other day and she told me about your blog. What a sweet baby girl! I'm sure she has been a catalyst for a greater trust in God and brought joy in seeing God's faithfulness even when life isn't what we expected! Noah sure did that for us in the hour and fourty five minutess we spent with him. Know we are praying for Sadie and the rest of your family.
=Hugs from IN=
Kristin Koning