Thursday, April 10, 2008


I got to see my baby girl yesterday. Joy of joys! We got some snuggle time in, which is my favorite thing to do with her. She is doing better on the bottle. On Tuesday she drank one complete bottle and then more at other feedings in the same day. The nurse practictioner is amazed. While we were with Sadie yesterday, one of the doctors came in to look her over. I had never been there for an exam before, so that was fun. Her swelling looks like it's gone down some. They are going to cut back on some of the oxygen to see how she does. According to the doctor, Sadie is doing, "Outstanding." All glory goes to God!
I wish I could say that I was doing outstanding, but that wouldn't be the truth. I still feel crummy, and the antibiotics for the bladder infection haven't affected the way I have felt. So, we are trying to figure out what the culprit is. I constantly feel tired and achy across the back and ab area. I don't remember feeling like this after the other c-sections. I have a couple of calls in to two different doctors to get their opinion. My hunch is that my two stents are giving me grief. I am scheduled to have those removed on May 1st, but I am praying I can move that up sooner. Sorry this sounds like such a downer.
There is a song I hear on the radio that I feel like was written for me. Some of the words are, "It's all because of Jesus I am alive." Thanks for all your prayers! Sadie's room just radiates peace, and even the nurses sense that I think. It's because of so many people praying for her!

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