Sunday, May 4, 2008

7 weeks already

I have to admit...this picture is from last week. I didn't take any this weekend, but I felt bad about not posting one. If it makes you feel any better, she hasn't changed that much. :)Sadie has made some good strides forward this week. Earlier in the week they tried taking her off of vapotherm (her method of getting oxygen) and putting her on what's called low-flow oxygen. It's 100% oxygen without the pressure behind it. She was on it less than 24 hours because she wasn't doing too well.However, they tried switching her over to low-flow again on Friday, and she was doing great!  She and I had a great weekend together!  Friday evening she took a full bottle feeding at 5:00, and then she nursed a full feeding at 8:00! She was wide awake and did so well. She even let me know when she needed to burp, and I was able to understand the cue. Yeah!  Saturday we got a couple hours of snuggle time after another good nursing session. She fell fast asleep in my arms. She now weighs 5 lbs. 2 oz. Her tummy size is down 1 cm already from being off the vapotherm. I know I am her mom, but I have to say she is just a sweetie. You'd think it would be hard leaving her at the hospital and driving two hours to home, and it is. However, it was almost harder leaving her this time after she is doing so well. Maybe seeing her improve makes me even more anxious having her home. I'm ready to hold  her whenever I want and not wait for a nurse to come in the room and give me permission. Thanks for your continued prayers; please continue!This morning at church I got a little teary eyed when we sang a worship song, "Blessed be Your Name." There is a line in the song that says, "You give and take away..You give and take  heart will choose to say, Lord blessed be your name." Many weeks ago when all this turmoil began, Brandon and I thought of this song and this line often. We were committed to praising the Lord whether He were to give or take away. And there was a day when we thought we'd lost Sadie. It was a tough, tough day. However, here I was in church several weeks later, feeling great, with a sweet daughter that's progressing well...singing this song...the Lord decided to "give." We are forever grateful!


Dusty said...

My eyes well with tears reading the end of your posting. That song has taught me a lot in my life as well. Early in my pregnancy with Anlynn, we were told we were losing her. As I paced, waiting for the ultrasound, that refrain played through my mind again and again. I chose God in that moment, as you chose God when all this began. Pacing the waiting room, I felt God had given us a life and was then taking that life away. Now I've come to believe that He also gives us enormous trials so that when we choose Him and His will, He can receive glory by taking the burden away. Much love to you! -Dusty

Reba said...

It is always hard for me to sing that part of the song, though I know "it" (no matter what "it" is) is His, not mine! Anyway, Sadie is beautiful, and she is really beginning to grow. Wow! Over 5 pounds! I know you are so ready for her to be home. Me too!