Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sleepy Snuggles

Thanks to my great sister in law for watching my two oldest girls, I was able to go see Sadie today. It's a nice middle of the week visit. I was with her almost four hours, and she slept until the very end of my time. She then decided to wake up. I tried giving her a bottle, but she was too sleepy. It was nice to hold and snuggle with her. Besides being sleepy, she seems to be doing well. She is still doing really well on the low flow oxygen, and the numbers of cc's (how they measure it) is down some. We keep praying for that! She now weighs 5 pounds 6 ounces. Her eyes are looking more blue and less like the dark color she was born with. I also think her hair is beginning to lighten some. She had another eye check this week, and her retinas look mature. Thank you Lord! We anticipate her being there a couple more weeks. Thank you again for your continued prayers!


Reba said...

What a very sweet picture! Sadie is so alert. 5 1/2 pounds...that is just a few ounces short of what our son was when he was born (late!)...hopefully she will be home VERY soon!

Anonymous said...

Pam, she is really starting to fill out in her face--so beautiful like her sisters! Keeping you in prayer, Karla H