Friday, May 16, 2008

Full Term

Sweet Sadie is now considered full term! She has had a good week, and she will reach the 6 lb. mark any day. Amazing. I was able to go visit with her on Weds., and my sister in law came with me. We both gave Sadie a bottle because she was a stinker and refused to nurse. She has been doing SO much better with the bottles. I tried not to be too discouraged with her not nursing. I know she can do it, and once she is home we will have more opportunities to practice. However, we will still take your prayers on this issue. :)
Since Sadie's eyes look mature, they have actually increased her oxygen amount. They don't have to be so conservative on the amount since her eyes look so good. Now they don't want the heart to work too hard. Since they've bumped her up, she has been more alert and feeding better. They are also cutting back on some of her extra calories to see if she can still gain weight.
Brandon and I go this Monday to be trained for the monitor. One night next week I plan on rooming in with Sadie, and then she can come home! PTL!
She is progressing nicely and passed the hearing test yesterday. Thanks for all your prayers. We can't wait for you to meet her....soon!


Anonymous said...

Wow! What great news!! God works in such wonderful ways. Always in our prayers.


Dillan Family said...

Can't wait to meet this sweet little Sadie. God is good. I'm thankful for her progress & health. terri dillan

PBJJ said...

Fun! We are so happy for all of you! Sadie looks like a sweet little dolly! It will be fun to see her (and you) soon!
Have a happy Sunday! Pamela