Friday, June 18, 2010

So Long Nursery

Hello big girl room! For several months I thought about how I wanted to redo the nursery. When we did the nursery 6+ years ago, we went with a gender neutral theme of giraffes. My MIL gave me a picture of giraffes called, "The First Kiss." It was a picture I had seen a couple of years before and fell in love with. So when it came time to redo the room, I couldn't part with the picture. So I decided to keep the giraffe theme, but I wanted it updated and more feminine.

The Nursery was we saw it for over six years.
An art teacher from our church painted this giraffe on the wall.

The girls hung out in here while Brandon painted.
Analise was so excited to paint, too.

Here she is in her big girl bed. She was SO excited to be like her sisters in sleeping in a bigger bed. She did awesome staying in bed, but at 1 a.m., I heard some whimpering and found her on the floor. Ooops!

Thanks to my faithful, dedicate husband, the room is finished, and I love it! The plan is for Sadie to sleep in here a couple of months and then move her to the bottom bunk and Analise over to her own room.
The headboard was made by Brandon (and his dad) when he was in middle school or early high school. I doubt when he built it the thought went through his head, "I bet my daughter will use this some day." :)


Reba said...

Love the room! We really need to update Joshua's room and move him to a bed. It is hard to let go of the baby stuff though!

Amy S. said...

Very cute! I love the chocolate brown and pink. Collin is in a big bed too but we haven't got around to redecorating or painting yet. His will go from sea theme to old fashioned firetrucks.

Karla said...

I LOVE IT!!!! (You know me and giraffes...) I also have that giraffe picture, though not as prominently displayed as yours. I should get it back out....

Well done, B, P, & girls! ;)