Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Last Week Highlights

For my memory's sake:
Monday was a fun day! The girls and I bought groceries (not the fun part), and in the afternoon I made strawberry/rhubarb pie with the berries from my garden! After swim lessons we came home and ate a quick supper before our company came over. Yesterday at church our college sitter, T, told me she would be in town and asked if she could come over. Absolutely! I was so honored that she had taken me up on the offer of coming over whenever. So at 7:00 she came over with her friend J. They ate dinner, and then her twin sister, T, came over as well. I was glad I had enough food. :) After they were finished eating, they went out to play with the girls. Obviously, the girls loved it! They went to bed late because they were having so much fun. The pie was a hit, and Brandon and I loved hanging out with fun, Christian college kids. My hope is to encourage and bless them while they are here. However, they bless me, too. Sometime during the night I realized I am 12 years older than they are. Wow...I felt old. Has it really been that long since I was in college? Yikes!
Tuesday morning we went to the library, and all the girls turned in their reading sheets. Maisie picked a sucker, Sadie got some new sunglasses, and I was so proud of Analise. She picked a coupon for free mini golf! She's excited, too.
We were very blessed by my BIL who came over and was able to unlock our shed. Thanks, D!
Swim lessons went well, and I love watching Analise improve each week. We rushed home to finish supper, and Grandma came to join us. After she left we had a mini t-ball lesson so Analise had an idea what she will be doing at softball starting this week. It was a lot of fun playing with all the girls outside. Analise is catching on quick, and I am making it my goal that she doesn't throw like a girl! (It's a huge pet peeve of mine. Sorry. :))
Weds. morning was tball practice. I am very impressed with the program; it was very organized and run in a very positive way. Analise is on the purple team. Later that morning we went and watched our cousin, A, play tball. Fun times!
Weds. afternoon after naps we ran to Target and then to the Farmer's Market. I love that place! We got a Bob and Larry. We ran home, changed and got ready for a birthday celebration of a family friend who turned the big 4-0. It was a nice evening at their house with other friends. The girls loved playing with fellow friends, and I enjoy feeling like part of the family with friends like that. Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Thursday morning was supposed to be park time, but since it was pouring rain, we met up at the CM. The kids didn't mind; they still had a blast!
Thursday after lunch, Brandon came home for a late lunch so I could go to a quick meeting at church. I got home at 2:30, and wouldn't you know it - both girls were already up! Analise came home from the library craft time with her friend, B, and at 3:15 I decided to mow the yard. Rain was predicted for the evening, and since Brandon had been my "social trooper" the last couple of nights, I thought I could help him by mowing. Now the time frame was nuts. The girls snacked and played outside. I had Sadie in the stroller while mowing the front. It was super humid, and I sweat like crazy! I finished a little after 4:00 and had 30 minutes to change, make dinner and get the girls ready for swim lessons. We did it! The casserole was in the oven, and we were on time. I looked terrible, but we were there.
After dinner were showers and an "early" bedtime of 8:15. I think Brandon and I both crashed for the night.
Friday the girls and I got some things done around the house. Analise enjoyed cleaning, and I liked having the help. We took a morning stroll around the neighborhood and found a cute Dauschund puppy that we pet through the fence. After naps we went to the library so I could check out a book for myself. I felt like a mother duck with my three little duckys walking through the aisles. I got a book, but I still haven't started it. We got together with family for pizza, and then the kids played outside. It was a fun, relaxing evening!

1 comment:

Reba said...

I love your updates! What a great way to remember things. I don't always comment (at least on here, usually in my head) but I am reading. You always do such fun stuff. :)