Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tis Past the Season

Analise was a donkey in the program
She makes a cute little lamb!
Wow...I knew it had been awhile since I had blogged, but goodness...only once in December! I've been wanting to update for ages, so here it comes in days and stages. As you can tell from the pictures, Analise was in her preschool Christmas program. I have a thing for kid's programs anyway, so when my own daughter was in it, I just loved it! All the kids did great, and I love that they are learning songs and stories about Jesus. Can't get better than that! She sang every song, knew all the motions and loved waving to Brandon in the back with the video camera. My favorite was when all the kids sang and boogied to "The 10 Commandment Boogie." The song is by Go Fish; if you haven't heard it, check it out. It's great!

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