Monday, January 19, 2009

Quick Post

Thanks for everyone praying! I took Sadie to the urgent care yesterday because I felt like she wasn't improving. I also knew our Ped. was in, and that was comforting. Her O2 levels weren't as high as we would like, so they admitted her to the hospital. Joy of joys. I am so thankful that she is where she needs to be, but I wasn't ready to be in a hospital again. The memories are too fresh. It was a year ago on the day that we thought we had lost Sadie, and now a year later we admit her because of RSV.
I'll keep you posted when I can. She has to sleep through the night on room air before she can come home. THANKS!


Anonymous said...

Praying she improves and you can go home quickly!

Reba said...

I am so sorry you had to go but I am thankful you were able to get quick care for her. I hope she recovers quickly. My heart hurts for all of you!