Saturday, January 17, 2009

Blogging for Prayers Warriors

Well, when I last posted, all were healthy in this household. Unfortunately, that is no longer true. Sadie had her appt. on Weds and checked out great. Thursday morning she had a little cough. By yesterday afternoon, there was a little wheeze that went with the cough. So this morning I decided I was going to take her in, and I am thankful I did. My sheltered little daughter has RSV. Can you believe it? Of all the girls, Sadie has to be the one to get it. We haven't even had colds in our house! Poor girl. She is acting pretty normal and happy, but now I have to give her the breathing treatments every 4 hours, an antibiotic (it looked like on the x-ray that there could be some bronchitis or pneumonia) and a steroid. I can give her the breathing treatments every 3 hours if she needs them, but I am to call my doctor if Sadie needs them more frequently than that. She has had two treatments already, and they were about 2.5 hours apart. Lord willing I won't have to call my doctor, but only time will tell.
Please pray for her and her tiny lungs. Pray for wisdom on my part as a mom and for the doctor, too. And please pray the other two don't get this. We were blessed with being able to see our pediatrician today. Thank you!!!


Nicole H. said...

We will be praying for little Sadie and her lungs. I will also pray that God gives you strength and energy to do all that is required while she is sick. We love you.
Nicole H.

Reba said...

I am praying too!

Anonymous said...

We will be praying that she handles this ok. Praying also that the rest of you don't get it. RSV is not nice to say the least! Have they said how this happened when she has been getting the synergis? How is she tolerating the treatments? If they make her mad it might be better because they breath in more med.

Nancy H. said...

HI Pam - I am so sorry to hear about Sadie. Zachary has RSV over Christmas and it was really scary. We did breathing treatments about every 3 hours for the first day. I was so suprised he got it because no one at home was sick and we hadn't been out and about or even to the nursery recently - we it was a puzzle how he got it. I will pray that the Lord heals Sadie quickly and that there won't be any side effects from this illness!
- Love Nancy