Friday, January 16, 2009

Girly Updats

Analise is decorating cookies
Maisie likes the Thomas view finder
Sadie in her exersaucer with a rubber snake
I thought it was time for an update on the girls. Thankfully we are all doing well. We started this month with a little of a stomach bug. I think Maisie had it first, though she only threw up once (in bed, of course!). We didn't think much of it until Analise did it a week later. (In bed, of course!) She had to miss a day of school, so she was bummed. Thankfully she is old enough to get where she needs to, and she was only sick about 24 hours. Sadie hung on to it a little longer, but she had more of the big D. She ate fine and seemed happy, but I kept her in pjs for easier changes.
Now onto happier thoughts...Sadie had a doctor appointment this week. At 10 months she is weighing 15 pounds! She got her monthly shot to help her against RSV. I am thankful she can get this, and I am thankful that health insurance will soon cover the cost. Each shot is $2500...can you believe it? Sadie is sitting up great and likes the new view. When she is on her tummy she is rolling. The other day I found her several feet away from where I put it. Now begins the teaching process for the older girls about keeping small things off the floor!
Maisie had a couple of milestones not too long ago. For the first time I heard her try and sing a song with me. Maisie has always loved music and never forgets a motion that goes with a song. However, when she began to sing the BIBLE with me, I was almost in tears! She is also putting two words together. She said, "Daddy bye-bye?" This, too, was very encouraging! She probably has close to 20 words (which isn't much for her age) but she is signing a few things, and her sound effects and voice inflections are priceless. One of her new words is "die". Nice, huh? I don't think she knows what it means. Maisie is still my "I like my routine" kind of girl. I put on some new flannel sheets for her bed, and the first night she wasn't too happy with me. She wanted her pink pillowcase. Funny girl.
Analise was busy with month with friend's birthday parties. My social butterfly was in heaven. After one of the parties, I asked her what kind of cake she would want for her party. She announced, "A boat!" Her dad was proud. :) I am beginning to plan a birthday party for her, and it's a stretch for me. Thanks to a dear friend who is crafty, I might make it. :) School is going well for Analise still, and she loves going every day! The other day I took the girls to meet some friends at the Children's Museum. As we left Analise mentioned that I just stood and talked and didn't watch what she was going. I told her that mommys could do more than one thing at a time. She asked if daddys could, and I told her not as well. (Heehee). Later in the afternoon I had my hands in a project, and she kept asking me to get her a snack. So I said, "Analise for some reason you think that I can do more than one thing at a time." She replied, "Mommy, you said you could!" She got me there!
A couple more quick things...I have three girls and they like to play with a rubber snake. I looked at Sadie in her exersaucer the other day, and she was chewing on the snake. And then yesterday I heard Analise say to Maisie, "Come on, let's play tackle football!" Only in a house full of girls...


Unknown said...

Man do I love those little girls! I'm glad Analise wants to play tackle football. We wouldn't want them to be too girly! Love you all!

Karla said...

Priceless, PJ! Thanks for sharing such a newsy update...I wish that we were closer and I knew your girls better! For now, blogging will have to do! Love you!

Anonymous said...

So fun to read your updates, Pam. By the way, when I glanced at the pic of Analise decorating cookies I said, "Oh! That's so Pam!" She really looks like you especially in that picture. :)

Nicole H. said...

Sorry Kearney didn't work out for us...I was disappointed I didn't get to see you and your family. I enjoyed your post seeing small snap shots into your world. God is truly good! Love ya, Nikki