Thursday, January 8, 2009

December Travels

Brandon was gone for a few days this month to Houston. The girls and I managed fine without him, and I even had to laugh that it snowed in Houston while he was there. He got back a day late due to plane mechanical problems, but he came home with a great story! While he was in the Denver Airport, a water main line broke, so there was water and complete chaos everywhere. He had to miss to our small group party, but thankfully I can enjoy my friends even if he isn't there. Don't get me wrong; I really missed him!
He was home for less than a week before we headed to see my parents. Our goal was to make the 12 hour drive in one day so we wouldn't have to do a hotel stay with three kids. We were going to leave Sat. morning, but the route we take didn't have good weather planned, so we put plan B into action. We decided Friday afternoon at 4:00 to leave that night and drive a different route. We'd travel 5 hours and then spend the night. It was mayhem around here! Thanks to a mom in law coming over to help and entertain and feed to girls, and me having most of the laundry done, we were on the road by 7:15. Good thing I had my list of things to take because I think I would have left my own mind on the counter!
The girls did really well. Sadie fell asleep pretty quickly, and the girls watched one DVD before they finally fell asleep. We checked in to the hotel at 12:15. The girls did great once again. PTL! The older two even shared a bed for the first time!
The next morning we didn't rush out, but we didn't try to linger either. I'm usually a mom that doesn't allow kids to run in a hotel hallway, but this morning was an exception to the rule. We were a few rooms from the exit door, so I had the girls running back and forth between doors. They needed to burn energy.
God was good and gave us good roads, mostly content travelers and dry weather. We finally pulled into my parent's drive at 11:15 our time. It felt great!

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