Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fun Times

Maisie with a bubble hat
Maisie's head was barely above the bubbles

Our time at home was full of fun, and we made some more great memories. Each day flew by way too quickly. Here is a "brief" highlight so I remember...We were able to go to church and several people got to meet Sadie for the first time. It was a special thing to see people who had prayed for her tear up when they saw her.
We were able to take the girls to Penney's to get their picture taken. Though none turned out perfect, they are plenty real looking and still cute. Later in the day Brandon and I were able to go back to the mall to shop by ourselves! What a treat! That evening I saw some good family friends for dinner and then went for coffee with some dear girl friends. Miss you!
Tuesday we went out and about to a fun grocery store and to Dicks; we then ate lunch out.
Weds. Brandon and I went to a movie while the girls napped - another treat! We saw "Fireproof" and loved it. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It's funny to me now to watch Kirk Cameron on film knowing that when I was in 4-6th grade, he was plastered all over my bedroom walls. :) For Christmas Eve service we went to a different church, and it was great. The service was simply beautiful. Analise sat on my lap, and though she got a little bored, she knew what was going on. The pastor talked about God Being With Us, and when he asked if God was with us, Analise shook her head yes. So sweet. That night each girl opened one present - a new pair of jammies! Being girls, they get excited about new pjs. :)
Rest of the week was filled with running places, eating out and hanging with the fam. The girls loved being there and were so sad when they left. They both enjoyed Minnie, and thankfully she did a nice job with them. She's getting old. My mom has kept some of my toys from when I was a kid, such as the little people. The girls had a blast playing with all of them. You know they enjoy something when they go off to play quietly by themselves! One of the girls' highlights was taking a bubble bath in my mom's big tub - with the jets on. They LOVED it!
We decided to stay an extra day to drive 3 hours to see my Grandma. We had hoped to go see her on Weds, but the weather didn't let us. I have a wonderful husband who saw the importance of doing something like this and he put his blessings on this extra trip. We were so glad we went. I not only got to see my dear grandmother, whom shouldn't be here (according to a doctor), but I got to see other family members that I haven't seen in a couple of years. It was a special, special time for me. She got to meet my Sadie May, whom we named after my grandma. As my dad said, "It was one miracle holding another." It was a day overflowing with God's blessings and I will never forget it. As we drove away in the rain, I saw my grandmother standing by the window and waving. I don't know if I will ever see her again on this side of heaven. God only knows I would love to. There was not only rain on the outside of the vehicle, I was making my own rain inside, too.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Beautiful. I had a great time too. Glad we all could make the time to get together. Love you!!!