Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sadie Update

 First Day of Preschool

Sadie has been in preschool for about five weeks already. And she loves it! The first couple of days she was just a bit clingy when I dropped her off. However, I am still amazed at her independence that has developed already. I can now take her to Sunday School and Awana and not have the sad, teary, clingy girl. Instead she walks right in. I can leave the house without her worrying. I see her playing with friends while we wait to pick up Maisie, and she doesn't care where I am.  This is so good!
Three mornings is a nice schedule. I have Bible study on Tuesdays, but it didn't take me long to enjoy two mornings on my own. I can meet with friends, shop, clean, blog, talk on the phone without interruptions. However, I am also ready to pick her up and have her home again. She is so much fun to hang with. She helps me with things, she's a good shopper, and there isn't much whining when there is just one girl. Sometimes the 3:00-3:30 time slot is a little challenging as she adjusts to having her sisters home. But once snack is finished, she and Maisie play well together.
Sadie continues to grow - taller, that is. She weighs a whopping 33 pounds and needs a 5T pant for the length. Like Analise, her clothing size is about six months ahead. For the first time when I change clothes for the seasons, I don't have to pack up Maisie's things. They simply go to Sadie. I'll admit it makes it a little easier.
Sadie is also enjoying some time with her dad. She enjoys having him to herself when he comes home for lunch. She hangs around while he eats, and then if the weather is nice, the three of us take Caramel for a walk. It's a special time, and I know I should treasure these days.
I will finish with a cute dialogue Sadie and I had a couple of weeks ago:
We were talking about her great grandmothers that had passed away.  She asked about them being in heaven and how she will be there one day, too.
Sadie, "Jesus will know my name!"
Me, "Yes!"
Sadie, "Where will I live?"
Me, "Jesus tells us that you will live in a mansion with many rooms."
Sadie, "Will there be boats in heaven?"
Me, "Would you like there to be boats?"
Sadie, "Hmmm...maybe the ark?"
Me, "That would be fun."
Sadie, "And Caramel will be there? We'll have to remember to take her leash."
At that point I just couldn't stop chuckling. She was so serious about remembering her leash.
I am so thankful for this time I have with her.

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