Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Hard Week

We had a crazy and hard week awhile back. My SIL, Sarena, from out of state came home with my new nephew. (This isn't what made the week hard.) On Monday, Sarena, Sarah and I went out for lunch. It was a great time, and we enjoyed the food and the company. However, we weren't back very long picking up the kids when my MIL got a hard phone call. Her mother was taken into the ER and wasn't doing well at all. She quickly packed her bags and headed out of town.
I invited Sarena over for dinner. It was special having her here, and the girls loved it.
Grandma continued to decline. By Tuesday I was telling/encouraging my husband to get over there to see her one last time, and he should take Sarena with him. They went back and forth in the decision making and finally decided to go. In addition to that, the girls and I picked up out of town family at the airport and brought them to our house for awhile. Brandon and Sarena then loaded up with them to head out of town.
Wedsnesday morning we got the news that Grandma had passed into eternity.
She had lived almost 30 years with Parkinsans, and though we were sad to see her go, we were excited for her to be reunited with Grandpa and to have a healthy body.
The Funeral was Friday. The other GG came to the funeral, so we made sure to get a picture of her with the girls.
 After a very sweet, and God honoring ceremony, we made went to the cemetary with family for a brief graveside service. The weather was beautiful, and we enjoyed being with Brandon's extended family.

 The siblings:
 Each of the girls picked out a flower from the bouquet.
 A panoramic shot.

The girls knew and loved GG, and they will miss her - and her peppermints. Maisie is convinved that when she sees GG in heaven, she will give her a mint.
A couple of funnies from the funeral. It was in a Lutheran Church - something my girls and nephews aren't familar with.
When my nephew K saw the Pastor come out in his white robe, he asked, "Is he going to do karate?" Grandma corrected him, and Analise piped up, "Oh. I thought he was in old time clothes."
During the ceremony when we stood to read from the hymnals, my nephew A put his hand over his heart like he was saying the pledge.
And then when Sarena was singing "Amazing Grace, " Maisie leaned in to ask me, "Is this the song from Lion King?"
I am thankful that despite the sadness, we were able to enjoy the day with family and even find things to laugh about.
We will miss you GG! So thankful it wasn't a final goodbye!


Reba said...

So sorry for your loss. :( I love the funnies though...they made me chuckle!

Sarena said...

Oh my! I'm reading this while feeding Daniel and laughed out loud, and danny jolted and shot me a "mom, I'm eating here!!" look. :-) that was a sad time for sure, but so great to know she's in heaven, and the funnies helped!