Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Beth Moore and More

The Day after the funeral, I attended a Beth Moore Simulcast at our church. I was excited to go and be encouraged and challenged in my faith. More on that in a bit.
While I was there most of the day, Brandon was with the girls. I thought they were going to go to the lake, but like most times, plans change. (Am I the only one who struggles with last minute change?) Anyway, he made the most of his day anyway. He called Sarena and Dave and hung out with them.
First stop - indoor mini golf

 Nephew Daniel

 From there they went to the park and went up the tower.
Brandon was grateful for the time he had with them, and the girls always love it, too!
While they were off having fun, I was with about 300 (locally) and 150K (internationally) other women worshiping with Travis Cottrell and diving in the Word with Beth.
I am so thankful for a husband that knows I need these spiritual "boosts" and encourages me to go.
What I love about the simulcasts with Beth (for being a planner like I am) is that she doesn't tell you ahead of time what she is going to speak on. That's because she doesn't know until a week or so before; she waits for the Holy Spirit to lead her in  her topics. So I know I am getting what the Holy Spirit inspired for us to learn.
Here are the highlights from that day and what I learned.
She started with the statement that we have come today for a revival in our faith.
Psalm 68:11 (NET) The Lord speaks; many, many women spread the good news.
The passage we focused on was from 2 Kings 4:1-37 where we looked at two women in this passage, and though they were in completely different circumstances, they both needed a miracle.
The main points from that passage: (and I know they won't mean as much to you as they do me since I was there.)
1. Personal desperation can jar us out of second hand stories.
2. God didn't call us to fine; He called us to faith.
3. Fear is the crippler of a walking, talking faith.
4. Faith trusts that every call to forsake is a call to also take.
5. Faith faces the fact that there is no formula.
6. Faith rests its case on the resurrection of the dead.
At bedtime that night, I was home with the girls putting them to bed. (Brandon was at a movie I chose not to see: 2012.) I got Analise's Day by Day Bible and read this same passage to my girls. I was able to share with them some of the things that I had learned earlier in the day. What a true blessing that was for me.

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