Thursday, April 26, 2012


No pictures for this post. I am simply going to try and remember some things that have gone on around here.

A few weeks ago it was nice enough to let the Awana kids play their games outside. I planned for the 2nd graders to play kick ball, and it was a blast! I chose to be the full time pitcher, and I felt like I was back in 5th or 6th grade. Playing kickball at recess was my favorite, and I have SO many fun memories. I had a dear teacher that went above and beyond and put together kickball teams/schedules/tournament and all sorts of fun things. I was a co-captain my 6th grade year, and we won the tournament. I digress...all that to say, Awana was fun that night.

Last week Brandon and I were able to go to the banquet for our local pregnancy center. The girls were excited to have Twin 1 stay with them, and I was excited for a night out with my man. We sat at a table with good friends and also some new friends, so I enjoyed getting to know them better. The speaker was Abby Johnson, a former "higher up" in PP. She was really good, and I loved hearing an inside perspective. And we love supporting a ministry that supports life and healing.

Two weeks ago I was on a MOPS panel. Go ahead and laugh; I did when they asked me to be on it. I wasn't too nervous, but I didn't feel qualified either.

I just finished another semester with my favorite Bible study ladies. We went through a book by Jim Cymbala on the Holy Spirit. Very good! I will miss those mornings being encouraged and held accountable.

Brandon went turkey hunting last weekend. He had a great time with his dad and brother and came home with two birds. The girls and I had a pretty good day at home. We did get to the mall for a bit to help pass time. The night before the big hunt, Brandon went and scouted for birds, and he took Analise with him. They had a fabulous time together. I gave myself a pedicure after the girls were in bed. Felt good but not quite like having someone else doing it for you. :)

A couple of weeks ago I had a girl's movie night with my MIL and two SIL. We watched "Incredibly Loud and Extremely Close." I thought it was very good, moving, funny and heavy.

When I walked into the backyard this week at 10:30 to let Caramel out, I saw a big orange glow in the sky. I began to wonder if I was seeing things. I quickly hollered for Brandon to come look, and he caught the end of it. He informed me it was the ISS - International Space Station. It was really neat to see! We went out again last night to see it, but it wasn't an orange glow this time.

My van just turned over 100,000 miles this last weekend. I told my dad I wasn't sure to be proud or sad.

My Grandma isn't doing well, and I wish I could see her. Long distance just stinks.

We are closer to a dream coming true this winter. More to come on that.

I think that's a wrap. To celebrate several posts in one day, I think I'll go enjoy a cookie. :)

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