Thursday, April 26, 2012

Caramel Four Months

Our little pup is growing so quickly! I think she was about 10 lbs when we got her, and now she weighs about 24. She is a good puppy (most of the time. :)). Her crate has been in Analise's room the last few weeks, and that has worked out well. Some nights Caramel curls up with Analise in bed, and they sleep together before we move her to her crate.
Some of Caramel's favorite things are ice cubes, bacon, empty milk jugs, Brandon, and bacon.
Once or twice a day Caramel goes into a mode that we refer to as "spaz mode." She runs, darts and is crazy. We read once when Vizslas get in these modes, they make Nascar drivers envious. It lasts a few minutes, and then she's done. It's quite entertaining!

We think it's funny when she lays like this. 

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