Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Silly Sadie

Sadie can have her moments, and sometimes days, where she is moody and naughty. Thankfully those are the minority. Most of the time she is happy and makes me laugh. Here are some of those moments:
She was supposed to be sleeping but instead found some of her sister's stickers.

She wanted to wear my glasses.

She helped me make mashed potatoes, and I let her lick the beaters...something we  hardly ever do!
As I look back three years ago, waiting in the hospital bed, I didn't know how things would turn out.
For my birthday this year, my SIL gave me a cd of songs put together by one of my favorite authors, Karen Kingsbury. When she gave me the cd, she told me she always thinks of Sadie and me when she listens to a song on that cd. Sure enough, I listened and cried the whole way through. I figured this time of year was a good time to post it, because it sums of how I felt during that time, even when I couldn't put it into words.

"What is Means to be Loved" by Mark Schultz
For five months, eight days
My wife and I waited
Getting ready for our baby girl
But when the doctor called and said, "I need to see you,"
And, "Could you come soon?"
Something died inside of me to sit with him and hear
A test had said our baby might not live to be a year
And turning to my wife, he said, "What do you wanna do?"

She said, "I wanna give her the world, I want to hold her hand; I wanna be her mom for as long as I can; I wanna live every moment until that day comes; I wanna show her what it means to be loved."

So we spent each day
Watching every minute
And praying for our baby girl
And I will not forget the way I felt that moment when she came into this world
But they took her from the room just as soon as she was born
And watching through the window I could see her holdin' on
When a voice inside me said

"I wanna give her the world; I wanna be her dad; I wanna hold her close for as long as I can; I wanna live every moment until that day comes; I wanna show her what it means to be loved."

Well since that day we got to bring her home
She's been out to prove those doctors wrong
You should see her now
She's as pretty as her mom...
We're going to show her what it means to be loved.


Reba said...

I just had to read the words to cry the whole way through! Wow! Love the pictures. She is too funny. I would love to see her with Gracey.

Karla said...

Pam, I just YouTubed this song and listened to it for the first time...totally Sadie! I love the amazing ways that God has continually proven Himself faithful to you and to your family. What a blessing Sadie is!

Love you, my dear friend!