Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cookie Time!

A couple of weeks ago when the weather was snowy, Awana was canceled. It was a relief for me amidst a busy week. Since we didn't get out of the house, I decided to make sugar cookies...from scratch - frosting and all. As much as I love to bake and have the girls help me, I really don't like making sugar cookies. It takes a lot of time, makes a big mess and usually tests my patience. This Wednesday night however, I was up for the challenge...I mean enjoyment.
We made the dough, and I put it outside to chill. Analise helped me make a cream cheese frosting. The girls took turns in using the cookie cutters to cut out the shapes.  After the girls were in their jammies, I lined them up with their own sprinkles and bowl. I did the frosting, and they did the sprinkling, and sprinkling and sprinkling. Even Brandon came up to help!  We made this night a family night, and we counted it as a celebration for the girls filling up the cup with stones. I will admit, it does get easier as they get older. Less arguing and complaining! It may just be less than a year before I try again. :)

They turned out yummy, and we've had the privilege to share many!

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