Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday Morning

I hope you had a great weekend. I was able to enjoy time with precious family.
Babe and I are still doing well. Thanks for your continued prayers! I had absolutely no side effects from the shots, and I have gone several days without contractions. I feel really well, and I don't want to take that for granted and assume I will stay this way another 6 weeks. I need the faith to make it through each day.
The ultrasound looked good today; she had the hiccups, and we saw all 4 chambers of the heart. I still have no fluid, but I know she is making it.
Yesterday Hubbie and I were able to take a tour of the NICU. It felt good to get out of my room! The NICU is a neat, homey environment. They have about 30 private rooms. It's hard to believe one of these days we will feel comfortable there with all the equipment and sounds. We got to see a couple of itty bitties; it's amazing how small they are!
I have been reading a textook like book on NICU care. I want to learn as much as I can, but I know I will learn the most as we go through it live. We continue to pray that babe will be nice and healthy.
Please pray that Babe will continue to grow and gain weight. In the last week I have not gained any weight...doesn't that seem impossible with eating and laying in bed? I would like to think that even if I'm not gaining weight that she is, but it's hard to convince myself when the scale didn't move up.
We are so thankful to have you as our prayer warriors; may we all continue to trust our Lord!


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