Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Becoming Routine

What used to be concerning is beginning to become routine. I was on the monitor this morning, and again Babe's heartbeat was all over...steady for awhile with some dips and then some variables and then speed up. The nurse even joked about how she was going to chart this one. After I was up for a bit, she put me back on the monitor to watch again. I was on my back and then my side to try and get her awake and active. We even tried waking her up by drinking juice. Next thing I knew we were again doing blood work, and then the tech came in for another ultrasound. Praise the Lord again...blood work looked good and so did the ultrasound. We saw Babe breathing, which I always like seeing. However, she still doesn't have any fluid. I am beginning to imagine her looking like a little prune. :)
So, we continue to do what we've been doing and remain thankful for each day!
Thanks again for all your prayers. My doctor mentioned yesterday that they really didn't expect me to get this far. What he doesn't know is how many people are praying. Maybe someday I will have the chance to tell him that.
Have a blessed day!


Reba said...
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Dusty said...
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