Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Berry Picking

Weds in Indiana was a good day. I just wish I could remember all we did. :) It wouldn't have anything to do with writing this five weeks later. Geesh. I do remember mom took the afternoon off from work so she could stay home and play with the girls. Brandon went golfing, and I went to a friend's house to join some of my elementary-high school girl friends. We enjoyed a salad lunch and a catching up on lives.
After I got home, mom and I took the girls strawberry picking. Yeah! The girls were about as excited as I was. We weren't there too long, but with five us picking we still ended up with plenty!

This girl was in heaven.

Not much tastes better than a fresh picked strawberry!

1 comment:

Reba said...

How very fun! That is one thing I haven't done with my kids yet. I am determined to though...