Saturday, May 21, 2011

Finished First Grade

Can someone tell me where this school year went? It seems like Analise just started first grade, and now she's finished! She had a great year. She loved her teacher and got along well with everyone in her class. It was fun to see her writing journal that she brought home on the last day. I enjoyed seeing how her writing improved, but I loved feeling like I got into her head a little bit by reading what she had written about. I wasn't surprised that she wrote about her dad a lot.
She finished the year reading several levels above what is the first grade standard. I am so glad she loves to read!  Her report card looked great and I told her that. However, she wasn't sure she could go to second grade next year. I told her she was, so she felt better knowing that.

Here she is with her school mascot on her cheek. She got it at field day.

 Analise was chosen again (seriously, where does she get her art skills?) to be hung at the art museum.
 Analise was super excited to get her t shirt from finishing a half marathon.
And even more excited when she got her medal for finishing a full marathon!
Analise, I wish I could keep you at this age forever. You are old enough to do things on your own, you love to learn and help with things, you laugh at the simple things, you have good friends, and yet you haven't been tarnished by all the ick and evil in this world. I wish we could hold on to this innocence.
However, I know this isn't possible. So I hope and pray that you will always feel like you can talk with me, but more importantly, talk with God about your struggles. And may you serve Him with the gifts He's given you!

An Analise funny:
Analise and I were sitting on the front porch painting our toe nails. All of a sudden she says, "Mom, look how big your panties are!" I was a little taken aback until I saw her pointing to my peonies. :)

1 comment:

Reba said...

I can't believe she has finished first grade! Where did the time go? I hope we can get together this summer...maybe she and Maria could hang out a bit. I am very envious of course that you all are done with school. We have two and a half weeks left...