Thursday, May 5, 2011

Easter Celebration

He is Risen; He is Risen, indeed!

We started off the morning with donuts and baskets.
Sadie got some new Play Doh. She loves Play Doh!

Analise found a new pair of shoes from the bunny. They are gold, her fave color. (That Easter bunny knows her well. :))

 Maisie also got a new pair of shoes; these are for running and playing outside. (Since she wore her new sparkly shoes outside and ruined them...)
(A total side not here...Saturday before Easter was crazy busy for me, egg hunts, coloring eggs, and baking lots in the kitchen. Finally after the girls were in bed (late) I finally got things collected to put in their baskets. As Brandon relaxed (and I was glad he was) I said to him, "Whoever said the Easter Bunny was a 'he' is mistaken; the mom does all the work."
The next morning, Analise saw a package of Peeps on Brandon's place mat, along with a note from me. She asked me what he got me for Easter. I told her 'nothing' but I was okay with that. Her reply, "But YOU do all the work!"  As Brandon said later, that comment was my gift. :)

I love how Maisie is standing...
And then there is Sadie...
Cute girls with their handsome cousins

After a great church service, we came home quick to finish our portion of the meal, and then we went over to Brandon's parents. We enjoyed all day together. The meal was delicious, the company was great, and the reason to celebrate was the focus of our time together.

Sadie looking for her basket in Grandma's yard
Maisie got a new boat hat. As she ate her goody, Uncle D. said, "Say chubby bunny!"
Family Photo

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