Monday, March 28, 2011

Life Highlights

In the last couple of weeks:

- We took our annual drive to see the birds migrating. The girls had fun watching and listening to the birds. Brandon then took the girls up a hill to sit under the interstate to listen to the semis when they drove over. They weren't all that impressed. :)

- I found a $170 wool coat that I wanted at Kohl's and paid $20 for it!

- We took  our annual "trip" down to a local farm store so the girls could play with the chicks. The simple things are what they love!

- We had a dinner/movie night last week. We ate pizza on the tablecloth in the living room and watched the movie "Chestnut." A cute, cute, clean movie. Again...the simple things.

- Brandon is almost finished with his Sunday school class and the many hours of preparation. He is glad, and so is his family. :)

- Sadie LOVES her new bike. She will ride in circles on the patio. She's not too thrilled on sharing it, and most of the time I'm okay with that. The other girls have their own bikes, and Sadie can't ride theirs.

- My nephews came over to fill out their March Madness brackets. It's a tradition around here. We all fill one out and then try to keep up on it. My bracket is virtually over since Kansas lost.

- We are beginning the process of planning our summer. It takes quite a bit of planning!

- We had to take the minivan in this week to get the bumper fixed. Sadie kept asking me, "Where is the minicar?"

- Maisie told me she wanted a "gorilla" bar for a snack.

- Maisie is in the habit of asking me what time it is. Like time matters to her. A conversation usually goes like this:  Maisie, "mommy, what time is it?" Me, "3:15." Analise, "Mom, it's 3:12." So she is learning about rounding....

And that's all I can remember...

1 comment:

Reba said...

Let's see...great deal on the coat at Kohls! Love deals like that. Never heard of the movie Chestnut. We love to do pizza and a is the only time mine are allowed in to eat in the living room (with a blanket underneath. I understand about the Sunday School class/being glad. Love all of the fun kid sayings. Love you too. :)