Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Last Two Weeks

Let's see...what did we do "different" the last couple of weeks?

I took the girls to the children's museum twice. Once with other friends; once without.

I took Maisie and Analise to the local college girl's basketball game. It was going to be a family ordeal, but Sadie threw up minutes before leaving. (Turns out she was fine; she just overdid it on some candy...) Anyway, thanks to a friend we had free tickets, and we wanted to go see our Twin 2 play. The girls did much better than I thought they might do, and we had lots of fun. I sat with friends that I don't get to see much anymore, so that was a bonus. The girls loved seeing T on the court!

Brandon was sick for a couple of days. Poor guy. Thankfully no one else caught it. In fact, I told the girls to not kiss dad on the lips because we didn't want sick germs. Later Brandon walked down the hall toward Maisie, and she yelled, "Don't kiss me!!"  He stayed home one afternoon and one morning. It was nice having him around in the mornings!

I've been busy with church things. Our children's director resigned, so that means more meetings to make sure things are getting done. The girls tag along with me and play nicely while we meet. I am also spearheading our church VBS, so that is taking some time.

Last Friday night we took the girls to dinner at a local BBQ place and then walked across the street to see a night time sky show at the planetarium. It was a great (free!) event. We had to split up for seats, so I got Analise and Sadie. Before the show began I showed Analise some of the constellations on a piece of paper. Then during the show she saw the same constellations. I felt like I knew something. :) So often when they ask me a question, I send
 them to their dad.

We had a snow day yesterday. We slept in and then made a family list of what we wanted to get done. We had things on there like cleaning, picking up rooms, watching a movie, making chili, make homemade cinnamon rolls, playing specific games and playing outside. The only thing we didn't get done was playing Pretty, Pretty Princess. For dinner, other family members came over to join us, and after the yummy meal, the kids had a dance party. Fun times!

Monday evening Analise and I went to the boys' school music program. She and I enjoyed it all!

Two Sundays ago was the first Sunday in our new addition and sanctuary. It was such a special time!  I enjoyed worshiping in a new place with more people, and the girls enjoyed the twist slide down to the new basement.

Analise finished her Awana book and got her blue ribbon. It's hanging on her bedroom door.

I am enjoying my women's Bible study. We are doing a James MacDonald study called, "Lord, Change my Attitude." We are going through five sinful attitudes and replacing them with Godly attitudes. It's based from the book of Leviticus and the sinful attitudes of the Israelites while they were in the desert. First week: complaining. Second Week: coveting. Third week: Critical spirit. Needless to say, it's been good and convicting!

Saturday afternoon I went with my sis in law and nephew to the local Christian bookstore to meet the author and family of the book "Heaven is For Real." Wow...what a book!  It's an easy yet amazing read. It's the story of a four year old's trip to heaven while he was in surgery. A must read!

Sadie  is in a bad habit about coming in our room during the middle of the night; sometimes more than once. She comes in to my side of the bed, so I send her to the bathroom and then tuck her back in. It doesn't take long, but it still interrupts my sleep. I'm not sure how to break this habit. We've already cut back on her fluid intake before bed.

I think that about sums it up.

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