Monday, March 7, 2011

Funny Memories

The girls are at the age where they say the funniest things. I do my best to jot them down, because I want to remember them. Here are a few recent ones.

Maisie, "Look, there's a hospital truck!'
Analise, "It's called an 'assembly', right mom?"
Me, "That would be an ambulance."

Me: "Maisie, were your cousins at Grandma's house for dinner?"
Maisie, "No, K was out with Jesus."

Maisie's verse the other night: "I am going to prepare a place for you."
Maisie's version: "I am going to eat a pear for you."

The other day while riding in the van, Maisie wasn't  using kind words. Sadie says in a loud voice, "Go to your room!"

Maisie asked me the other day: "How did Jesus make himself?"

Common phrases from Maisie:
" I can't know." (instead of I don't know)
School is always called "School all week."
"Mommy, what's your favorite color?" She asks me about ten times a day. If I don't answer is correctly, she reminds me that the answer is blue.
Basket is backset
I learned something about Maisie. She doesn't usually recognize the beginning sound/letter of a word. However, when she asked me to spell "mom" and "dad" the other day, I told her and she wrote it down. A week later I asked her to write those two words, and she remembered how to spell them.

Last night during her prayer, Maisie thanked God "that mommy and daddy love each other." How sweet is that?!


Anonymous said...

Those are all so cute and you are very wise to write them down.

Reba said...

Okay, how do you get my mom to comment on your blog when she doesn't on mine? Anyway, you are very wise to write them down. You think you will remember, but the older you get, the less likely you will remember all of this stuff...or at least that is my experience!

seth + justine said...

i LOVE these! my favorite is when sadie yelled "go to your room" in the car! ha, that's awesome.