Friday, January 14, 2011

A New Year

I am aware it's January 14. And believe me, I've been waiting to write this post. I long to be caught up on the blog.
As the new year rolls around, most people look ahead to come up with resolutions for the new year.  I've never been one to do that. If I don't set a goal, then I won't fail in accomplishing it. Sure, I always want to lose weight, exercise more, read God's Word everyday, only speak kind words, play more on the floor with my girls, get and stay organized, pray more deliberately...but honestly, I long for that all throughout the year.  So instead of looking ahead on the first of January, I prefer to look behind. I like to reflect on the journey God has taken us on in the previous year. So, thanks to my blog (though always a bit behind) I was able to review our year, and I tried to do it through the lens of thankfulness to my Heavenly Father. And here is why:
Psalm 78: 4-6
We will not hide from their children;
we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power and the wonders He has done....which He commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep His commandments.

Our Pastor spoke from this passage in October, and it was something I held close to my heart. (And not to justify my time spent on here :)). Here it is in a nutshell:
The Role of Remembering:
1. Remembering has a definite purpose - telling the next generation.
2. We need to remember that the Scriptures are God's self-disclosure to us.
3. We need to remember because we are so prone to pride.
4. We need to remember so we don't live like this life is it.
1. Helps us to live a life without compromise. (Romans 5:3-5)
2. Gives us more than good intentions. (1 Sam. 15:22)
3. Reminds me that God is in charge. (Galatians 6:7-8)

A few years ago I started a journal focused solely on God's faithfulness in our lives. I wanted to remember each time so I could tell the girls, and they could see "first hand" about His work in our lives. I'd be lying if I said I still kept up with that. ( I guess I should add that with the above list.) However, my hope with this blog is that someday my girls can read it or I can look back on it and completely see God's hand in all our situations...the good and hard times.
One of my favorite Christmas gifts this years was a digital scrapbook of my paternal Grandmother. I loved reading the history of her and her life. In it she reflects on her grandmother praying daily for her family. And my Grandmother prays for us, too. What a heritage; what a blessing!  They have been obedient to God's word in telling the next generation his praiseworthy deeds.
So as I reflect and feel completely blessed beyond measure, may I not fear when I look at future. Instead may I look ahead with that goal in mind - that I would be a wife, mother and woman that will point the next generation (specifically my girls that I've been given) to God in all things and take no credit for myself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What? I want to see that scrapbook of Grandma!?!