Monday, January 3, 2011

December Fun

A few weeks ago we did something different as a family, and it turned out to be lots of fun. Brandon's company now has a suite at the local arena. We used it on a Saturday afternoon to watch a hockey game. I admit, I'm not a hockey fan. But this was the way to do it! We had lots of room, a tv to watch if we got bored, and the best part was I was able to sit right below a  heater. Analise sat and watched the entire game. She loved it! While the players warmed up, she asked her Aunt, "Is that ice or a really slippery floor?"  She learned a lot that day.
Maisie got bored rather quickly, so I now know if I go again I need to take a bag of things for her to do.
After the hockey game was over, all six kids ate dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house and spent the night, sleeping by the tree. Brandon and I ate dinner with D and S and then went Christmas shopping. It was great to be with my man and accomplishing things!  We picked up Sadie at 10:00 and took her home to her own bed. It was fun having just her around on Sunday morning.

Hockey game

This season I did my fair share of baking, but I tried to keep it simple. I chose things that the girls could help me  with, and they loved it! We made pretzels with almond bark and M&Ms, and we made even more pretzels with Rolos  in the middle. MMM!  I also made my family's recipe of cinnamon twist coffeecake for teachers. I ended up making three batches!  Each time they baked, it smelled like Christmas morning. I also made the peanut butter cookies with the Hershey Kiss in the middle. I gave most of those away, but we had some to eat. That was another thing I liked about this year - we baked, shared most of it and kept a few for our family.  One of Brandon's favorite holiday cookie is gingerbread cookies...something I don't care for. I didn't get to making them this year, so I bought him gingerbread Pop tarts instead. :)
My little helpers!

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