Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Sunday morning came plenty early, and we all headed to church. The service was good, and then I stayed a little longer to help at the children's recruiting booth.
We went home and fulfilled my mother's choice for a birthday gift. She wanted new pictures of the girls to put in her frames at home. Since the girls looked nice after church, we headed out back for a photo shoot. Since most of them were individual shots, it went pretty well. Hopefully she got some that she'll enjoy. :)
After we had leftovers for lunch, everyone rested except for me, mom and Analise. We got down and dirty in the garden! We layed the black layer over all the garden and got busy planting. I planted a couple of new things this year - cucumber and green zucchini. We then planted my usual - grape, early girl and better boy tomatoes, green peppers, basil, green beans, and cilantro. It all looks so small and dainty when we first plant them. I can hardly wait to enjoy these all summer long. Grow garden, grow! My strawberry plants are beginning to bloom as well.
After we came in, mom and I worked in the kitchen to make a new pasta recipe. It is spinach lasagna. I tweaked the recipe some and we all really liked it! I used jumbo shells, and fresh spinach instead of the slimy frozen kind. We also made a new broccoli casserole that turned out yummy.
The bonus of this time with my parents was getting an extra day! Yeah! We all took Analise to school, and then thanks to dad, we drove through and got donuts. Later in the morning we headed to Menard's for some dirt and other things. My folks then took the girls for lunch and to play at the park. While they had fun, Brandon and I went for lunch by ourselves. Such a treat!
We then all went to pick up Analise, and she got to introduce them to her teacher and show them her classroom. She was a proud kindergartner. :)
Monday evening they went with Analise and me to her music class. I was so excited for them to see what she is learning and doing in something they've helped invest in. I hope they enjoyed it!
We then met Brandon and the girls for dinner at Qdoba. I love that place. Dinner was fun, but the end was sad. We had to give hugs, say goodbye and watch them drive away. They were headed to the hotel close to the airport. On the way home Maisie mentioned she still wanted Grandmom and Pops here. As I was brushing Analise's teeth, she mentioned that she wished they could stay until Christmas. Mom and dad, I hope you both know we ALL had a great time with you and love you. You are definitely missed!


Reba said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend with a bittersweet ending. I have a feeling the emotions were mutual. Have a good week!

Sara Campbell said...

Sounds like a great weekend...hi to Grandmom and Pops from Sara!

Linds said...

Oh! I love to hear all about your weekend with them.... what a blessing to have them visit and the fun quality time you got to have!!