Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I think I have learned more about God and his love for me since I have been a parent. My kids truly teach me things even when they have no idea. It gives me the perspective of seeing God as my Father, and me as his child.
For example...the other day after graduation, Analise noticed some kids getting candy. I never saw it, but she mentioned it more than once. I finally told her that I am sorry she didn't get anything, but I had planned on driving through Sonic so she could get a slushie.
As we waited 15 minutes in the drive through, and after we got the slushies, she continued to whine about little things. I piped up and said something like, "Analise, I told you I was sorry you didn't get candy. Dad and I wanted to treat you to something fun. However with all this whining/complaining, it makes me not want to do anything fun for you because you don't appreciate it." As I finished I thought, "Does God think that way about me? Does he bless me with something and only hear grumblings from my end? " I truly want to be grateful for all His blessings!
It also got me to thinking some more...I like it when people appreciate something I do/give. I am not looking for credit because all my doing should be for the Lord. However, at the same time, Brandon and I are trying to instill in our girls to say thank you and never take anything for granted. "Thank you" is a sweet sound to my ears. Brandon has taught the girls to say that at dinner every night. Analise is learning to thank him for when she gets something special. She knows it's because daddy works that we get to do and get special things. I try and thank people for things because I appreciate it, and I want them to know the blessing they are to me. I'm thankful my husband is on the same page with me, and we work on this together. We don't want to take things for granted, and most importantly, we want to thank our Heavenly Father for all of His blessings. May we show our appreciation by the way we serve Him with our life.


Reba said...

I think the same thing. Being a parent has taught me SO much about God. And I agree so much about the appreciation. I try to always thank wait staff at restaurants or clerks at stores, but I need to do even more...I need to set the model for my kids.

Dusty said...

Oh Pam, I just love your tender, moldable heart! I love that you see God teaching you, even as you are teaching your sweet girls!