Sunday, March 2, 2008

Weekend Update

It was a fun weekend here at the hospital. My doctor told me to keep it boring, but I decided to have fun. Babe was boring, and that's all that matters. She is showing some more variables on the heart monitoring, so that is good.
I was able to spend time with my great sister-in-law while the hubbies went minivan shopping. She even pushed me in the wheelchair to enjoy some fresh air. We laughed about two 30 year old women and a wheelchair ride. We thought we would be at least 90 before we would be doing this. :)
Hubbie and I enjoyed rest of the weekend together. Our church this morning was Chuck Swindoll online.
I hope you had a good weekend and worship time this morning. Thanks for praying! I am praying that the ultrasound in the morning will show some fluid.


Reba said...
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WifeandMom said...

Oh Pam, I'm so glad we could come and see you on Saturday! I feel honored that our time together made it on your blog! :) Here's to a Monday filled with good news!

Sarah said...

So, did they find you a minivan? I know of an old one in Kearney for sale for $2000 or if you want a newer one, we may be selling ours, or hope to at least. Let me know if you're interested!
Sarah wall